March 13, 2025

We Need Continual Reminders of God's Word


TEXT : Jos 8:33  And all Israel, and their elders, and officers, and their judges, stood on this side the ark and on that side before the priests the Levites, which bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD, as well the stranger, as he that was born among them; half of them over against mount Gerizim, and half of them over against mount Ebal; as Moses the servant of the LORD had commanded before, that they should bless the people of Israel. Jos 8:34  And afterward he read all the words of the law, the blessings and cursings, according to all that is written in the book of the law. Jos 8:35  There was not a word of all that Moses commanded, which Joshua read not before all the congregation of Israel, with the women, and the little ones, and the strangers that were conversant among them.
During the conquest of Jericho, Achan disobeys a command of the Lord. God instructs Israel not to take anything from the city of Jericho, but Achan takes a Babylonish garment, and some silver and gold.  Shortly after, Israel decides they do not need too many soldiers to conquer the small city of Ai, but when they go, they suffer a disheartening defeat. The loss causes doubt to overcome all the children of Israel, including Joshua. He does not understand an offense against God has been committed, and lies prostrate before the Lord, stunned at the reversal of the promise of victory given by God, which, they had already seen at Jericho.
It may seem confusing to some when they read that God says - "Israel sinned," though obviously most did not know of the sin of Achan. Certainly, Joshua did not. Yet, we must remind ourselves that Israel is at war, and the rules of engagement for the military are not the same as in civilian life. In other words, it was necessary for this sin to affect everyone to insure Israel would follow God's instruction in the future - "to the letter," if Israel would have victory and take the land of Canaan. Put another way, in warfare each member is dependent on the other. Without that harmony and unity, victory is impossible. "Divide and conquer is the strategy of the enemy." Therefore, if Israel did not suffer [on this occasion] as a whole, they would surely lose as a whole in upcoming engagements.
Albert Barnes elaborates.
"The "trespass" was the act of one man, yet is imputed to all Israel, who also share in the penalty of it Jos_7:5. This is not to be explained as though all the people participated in the covetousness which led to Achan's sin Jos_7:21. The nation as a nation was in covenant with God, and is treated by Him not merely as a number of individuals living together for their own purposes under common institutions, but as a divinely-constituted organic whole. Hence, the sin of Achan defiled the other members of the community as well as himself. and robbed the people collectively of holiness before God and acceptableness with Him. Israel had in the person of Achan broken the covenant Jos_7:11; God therefore would no more drive out the Canaanites before them."
The use of the "lot" [dice] was no doubt the instrument employed in discovering who had sinned. Through this means, God narrowed down the guilt party first, by tribe, then by family, and then by household. It is no capricious or arbitrary method in the casting of the lot to ascertain the mind and will of God. We see it employed frequently in the Old Testament and once in the New Testament as well in choosing a successor for Judas among the Twelve Apostles.
Concerning the lot, the Scriptures say -
Pro 18:18 "The lot causeth contentions to cease, and parteth between the mighty. Also, Pro 16:33  "The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the LORD. "
Adam Clarke tells us more about the casting of the lot.
"The lot is cast into the lap - On the lot, see the note on Num_26:55. How far it may be proper now to put difficult matters to the lot, after earnest prayer and supplication, I cannot say. Formerly, it was both lawful and efficient; for after it was solemnly cast, the decision was taken as coming immediately from the Lord. It is still practiced, and its use is allowed even by writers on civil law. But those who need most to have recourse to the lot are those who have not piety to pray nor faith to trust to God for a positive decision. The lot should never be resorted to in indifferent matters; they should be those of the greatest importance, in which it appears impossible for human prudence or foresight to determine. In such cases the lot is an appeal to God, and he disposes of it according to his goodness, mercy, and truth. The result, therefore, cannot be fortuitous."
Interestingly, even our word for "clergy" comes from the idea of a "lot" cast to inherit a "lot." This means, the ministry of preaching and teaching in the Church of the Living God is again, not a subjective or random decision of men, but the providential call of God.
Adam Clarke again.
"The word גורל  goral, translated lot, is supposed by some to signify the stone or pebble formerly used for the purpose of what we term casting lots. The word lot is Anglo-Saxon, from to divide, or portion out, i. e., fortuitously: it answers to the Greek κληρος, which some think comes from κλαω to break; because the lot, being a sort of appeal to God, ("The lot is cast into the lap, but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord," Pro_16:33), broke off all contentions and litigations relative to the matter in dispute. From this original division of the promised land by lot to the children of Israel, all portions, appointments, offices, shares, or divisions in spiritual and ecclesiastical matters, were termed lots. So in the New Testament, the word κληρος, lot, is used to signify a portion of spiritual blessedness, and κληρονομια, a division by lot, an inheritance; and κληροι, the lotted or appointed persons to different works, shares, etc.; hence our word clergy, κληροι, persons appointed by lot to a lot, portion, or inheritance; see the case of Matthias, Act_1:26."
After Joshua discovers Achan's sin and judges him, Israel goes to war against the men of Ai once again and wins a decisive victory. God was with them. All throughout the Scriptures there is a clear distinction regarding what happens when God is fighting for His people, or fighting against them.
After the victory, Joshua stands on Mount Ebal and reads the Law - the Book of Deuteronomy to Israel again. All the people were there - men and women, young and old. No one was exempt from hearing the Word of God. Why everyone was there - including the strangers both near and around Israel - Adam Clarke explains.
"With the women and the little ones - It was necessary that all should know that they were under the same obligations to obey; even the women are brought forward, not only because of their personal responsibility, but because to them was principally entrusted the education of the children. The children also witness this solemn transaction, that a salutary fear of offending God might be early, diligently, and deeply impressed upon their hearts. Thus every precaution is taken to ensure obedience to the Divine precepts, and consequently to promote the happiness of the people; for this every ordinance of God is remarkable, as he ever causes the interest and duty of his followers to go hand in hand."
On the subject of speaking the Word of God, and giving it the highest priority, Matthew Henry explains.
"As soon as Joshua got to the mountains Ebal and Gerizim, without delay, and without caring for the unsettled state of Israel, or their enemies, he confirmed the covenant of the Lord with his people, as appointed, Deuteronomy chapters 11 and 27. We must not think to defer covenanting with God till we are settled in the world; nor must any business put us from minding and pursuing the one thing needful. The way to prosper is to begin with God, Mat_6:33. They built an altar, and offered sacrifice to God, in token of their dedicating themselves to God, as living sacrifices to his honour, in and by a Mediator. By Christ's sacrifice of himself for us, we have peace with God. It is a great mercy to any people to have the law of God in writing, and it is fit that the written law should be in a known tongue, that it may be seen and read of all men."
All of us have a need to read the Word of God and hear it spoken often. We are a forgetful people, and without a constant reminder of the Word of God, we forget and begin to stray from Him. We need to be grateful so many men such as John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, Martin Luther, and others translated the Bible into the language of the people, even as other ministries today are translating the Bible into hundreds of other languages as well. This is so all people can read and hear the Word of the Lord and to know Him and His will. Without His written Word, we lack for suitable and proper remembrance of the Lord. That is, we will soon forget who He is, what He has done, and what He has yet to do. We will not be mindful of His promises or His principles.
So, let us be like the Bereans, who searched the Scriptures daily to see and understand the matters written therein.
Act 17:10 - 11 "And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
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