You Must Be Childlike But Not Childish
INTERESTING FACTS : John Witherspoon, Scottish-American Presbyterian minister and president of the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University); he was the only clergyman to sign the Declaration of Independence.[1]
"Those who wish well to the State ought to choose to places of trust men of inward principle, justified by exemplary conversation. . . .[And t]he people in general ought to have regard to the moral character of those whom they invest with authority either in the legislative, executive, or judicial branches."[2]
Daily Reading : MATTHEW 18 - 19
TEXT : Mat 18:1 At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? Mat 18:2 And Jesus called a little child unto Him, and set Him in the midst of them, Mat 18:3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Mat 18:4 Whosoever therefore shall humble Himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Mat 18:5 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. Mat 18:6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for Him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Matthew 18
The disciples inquiring who should be greatest in Christ's kingdom, Mat_18:1. He takes occasion to recommend humility, simplicity, and disinterestedness, Mat_18:2-6. Warns them against offenses, Mat_18:7. Recommends mortification and self-denial. Mat_18:8, Mat_18:9. Charges them to avoid giving offense. Mat_18:10, Mat_18:11. Parable of Him who had lost one sheep out of his flock consisting of one hundred, Mat_18:12-14. How to deal with an offending brother, Mat_18:15-18. A gracious promise to social prayer, Mat_18:19, Mat_18:20. How often an offending brother who expresses sorrow, and promises amendment, is to be forgiven, Mat_18:21, Mat_18:22. The parable of the king, who calls his servants to account, and finds one who owed Him ten thousand talents, who, being unable to pay, and imploring mercy, is forgiven, Mat_18:23-27. Of the same person, who treated his fellow-servant unmercifully, who owed Him but a small sum, Mat_18:28-30. Of the punishment inflicted on this unmerciful servant, Mat_18:31-35. [Adam Clarke] [3]
Matthew 19
Coasts of Judea beyond Jordan - The narrative here refers to the last journey of the Saviour from Galilee to Jerusalem, to attend the last Passover which he celebrated.
A considerable lapse of time occurred between his last discourse in the preceding chapter and what is recorded here, and several important events have been recorded by Luke and John which occurred in the interval, as the sending out of the seventy disciples Luke 10:1-16; the Saviour's going up to the feast of Tabernacles, and his final departure from Galilee, passing through Samaria Luk_9:51-56; Joh_7:2-10; the healing of the ten lepers Luk_17:11-19; the public teaching of Jesus at the feast of Tabernacles John 7:11-53; the account of the woman taken in adultery Joh_8:1; the reproof of the unbelieving Jews, and the escape of the Saviour from their hands John 8:12-59; the instruction of the lawyer, and the parable of the good Samaritan Luk_10:28-37; the incidents in the house of Martha and Mary Luk_10:38-42; the return of the seventy Luk_10:17-24; the healing of the blind man on the Sabbath John 9:1-41; the festival of the Dedication John 10:22-42; the raising of Lazarus John 11:1-46; and the counsel of Caiaphas against Jesus, and the retiring of Jesus from Jerusalem Joh_11:47-54. See Robinson's Harmony. Matthew and Mark now resume the narrative by relating that after Jesus had left Galilee he approached Jerusalem by passing through the country beyond Jordan. The country was, in general, called Perea, and appertained to Judea, being the region formerly occupied by the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh. The word "coasts" means regions or parts. See the notes at Mat_2:16. [Albert Barnes][4]
Jesus in Matthew chapter 18, shares with you two truths to consider. One has to do with conversion, the other how you treat your fellow Christians. Obviously, no matter what Jesus teachers on any subject is always important. This is because the Bible is an inspired Book. This means, God is the Author. Once this is clear in your mind, you will consider every Scripture you read as being of vital interest to you.
On conversion, Jesus teaches you must be like a little child. However, there is a significant difference between being childlike and being childish. The two are not to be confused. You are to become childlike - that is, innocent concerning evil, having trust that is more intuitive then completely thought through, (this means that you cannot understand everything in the Bible with the intellect) and entirely at peace.
It is interesting to note, that Jesus pronounces a severe punishment all those who would offend little children. In particular, there is a fearful sentence pronounced on those who would offend a little child that believes in Jesus. Jesus speaking of this crime against Him states, that it would be better if a huge stone were hung around his or her neck and they were thrown in the ocean. This can only refer to spending eternity in Hell. For this reason, think of how critical it is to treat children properly. Oddly enough, in most Christian Churches working with children is seen as a lesser ministry. In addition, it is a universal challenge to find workers willing to spend time with infants in the nursery. Yet, Jesus puts a great emphasis on children, as we see Him holding them and angry with the Apostles when they would not let the little children come to Jesus.
It is amazing how far the Church has drifted from its moorings since Jesus left the earth. This begs the question - if it is hard to find Christian workers to spend time teaching the little ones, then what type of Gospel do the adults have? What I mean is, if the Church as a whole does not treat children the way Jesus treated children, there is an obvious distortion in either the teaching or the application of Christ in the local Church.
In any case, concerning being born again, Jesus shares with you that you must become childlike. Again, this implies the characteristics that are found in children - the freedom of a little child to trust, to believe, and to rest in the provision and protection of the Father. This must be in you. Many analogies could be drawn from the life of children that Jesus gives you here, but these two are sufficient. Therefore, if you want to be converted, or you profess that you are converted, then you have to become childlike.
Attention should also be drawn to the principle Jesus lays down for solving and resolving conflicts between Christians. He states in Matthew 18 that when you have an issue that must be dealt with because you are offended, hurt, or angry (presumably because of something said or done to you), you must first go to the brother or sister. This is the protocol laid down by the Master. He tells you, you must go first to your brother or sister. If that does not work, then you must go back with a witness. Next, if this is not sufficient to resolve the matter, then the Elders of the Church should be sought that there may be a resolution. It is not God's will that people who profess to be followers of the LORD Jesus Christ, should not talk or worse speak ill of one another or slander one another. This is completely at odds with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are to love one another and be at peace with one another as we reach out to those who do not know the LORD. Remember, Jesus said all men would know you are my disciples by your love one to another. This is the greatest command in the Scriptures, of whom God once again, is the Author. It is simply to love. To love God and to love your neighbor is the entire Law and the Prophets. It is also the center and circumference of the Eternal Son of God - Jesus Christ.
Then again, that is another twist in today's Church. In particular, it is as rare to find one Christian who will go to another Christian and resolve a matter in private as it is to find Christians willing to work with children. Perhaps, this is because we are living in the last days. In the last days, we are instructed in the Holy Bible, there would be a great falling away from the faith. We do know however, people will continue going to Church. Yet, they will lack the power, purity, and holiness of a true Christian. Therefore, you want to be found in obedience to Christ rather than simply singing songs, saying prayers, or reading the Bible. To read sing, pray, and read the Bible is not enough. You must do what Christ and the Apostles who wrote the New Testament tell you to do.
Belief is an action word. True faith, that is - saving faith, the faith that will bring you to Heaven is not static. It is active and alive. This means that a true follower of Jesus Christ will be obedient. Whether the subject is little children, or of loving of the brethren, the true Christian will always be found striving to do his or her best in loving one another. Therefore, become childlike not childish. Grow up and mature. Just as it is in natural life, so it is in spiritual life. You must thrive and grow. Every plant that the Father puts down grows into the likeness of his only begotten Son. Otherwise, all the plants not sown by the Father shall be rooted up. Therefore, become a child and be continually converted. If you do, you guarantee your entrance into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.
- [1] Brittanica, Encyclopedia. Encylopedia Brittanica Deluxe Edition. 2011.
- [2] [John Witherspoon, The Works of John Witherspoon Edinburgh: J. Ogle, 1815), Vol. IV, pp. 266, 277.]
- [3] Adam Clarke LL.D., F.S.A. Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible. Public Domain, 1715 - 1832.
- [4] Barnes, Albert. ALbert Barnes on the Bible. Public Domain, 1798 - 1870.